Sunday, March 25, 2007

its good to have ppl to listen to you when you are least,there are ppl who still regard that you are there..

ok,no bio agn..=DD
den toa payoh to claim my rights over the philips earphones,ended up in the wrong place..freaking
den had to go for tuition..

very wet night today....

i find myself weird.
just realised this and thats why i wanna blog about it.
im amazed absolutely by words starting with V,like Vanuatu,the fiji islands,V for Vanadium(IV) oxide,cool huh,Vans that brand...i find them very cool...maybe i grown up thinking that X Y Z and V cant really make many words..thats why...and structural isomerism is a really cool word,saying it the whole day....

gonna cut my hair again....

gonna make it a memorable cut.....cut it super that im a good example for the cadets.
rehearsal for affirmation day on tuesday,somethimes i realli dun wanna go..hey bio lessons are on tuesday leh,i skipped like almost 2 lessons man.....too bad for me den..

"i can talk to your CO,i can get you out of your CCA"
"i want you to score a double A for me"
"So Simple!still dunno"
"when we pass out?"
"its your choice"
"eh,1 month 1k see...(presses calculator a few times)"

just some random thoughts...

maybe im putting up a brave front infront of all my fellow mates,but after saying so much here,isnt it time i put it to real......
so,my pig myself out...gonna dry out the 30 bucks that i have for the week.......i swear im gonna stuff myself...maybe monday or maybe friday..

hope for the best,prepare for the worst.


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