Sunday, March 19, 2006

have u ever had the feeling of getting out of your comfort zones and crossing the boundaries,juz to stem your boredom and to relax..
haiz...there seems to be a mental war going on inside my head...
sometimes you juz feel like going on a holiday to forget those you chou....
soak your feets on the pristine beaches of the mauritius islands with your other half...and watch the sunset...haiz....

been such a nice saturdae nite ytd..
had supper at serangoon gardens.finally i can feel my inner self relaxing at that place...if dere's a chance..i wld surely go bak there...
sch's starting tmr and much work not done..i'll juz write crap for the social studies ba....
then its gonna be a cycle AGAIn...haix...
nothing much to look forward except getting together wif your frens and my cca...hahas
anwae,may not get to blog so often liao...

btw,guang liang's yong qi rocks


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