Wednesday, March 08, 2006

have u ever wanted to get rid of something so that you could have 1 thing less to worry bout?the tank's situation is driving me crazy man....juz keep thinking bout it during lessons....cant!

haiz...todae's lessons were like crap...almost dozed off during physics and i m damn fedup wif those trainess.i hope tt the skl get them out woman failed me for my compre...which is crap lar...she wants the perfect anwser....ask her go die lar....nth is perfect larr....
thn dere was ncc which as quite usual...marching and stuff..but we did laughed quite alot...and malik asked me bout ncc....shock huh...didnt expect it......

recently,felt that my attitude sucks....why cant i be more freindly and talk to others?why why why why why.....
haiz...gotta rmb my resolutions.....stick to em...self-improvement man.... another day.....gonna scrap through tmr's tests agn.....haiz....

signing off


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