Tuesday, March 07, 2006

shit shit shit shit shit...........what's wrong wif me these days!!!!
first,it was the zapping thing....haiz,felt so bad lar....i promise ppl that i will help them and yet.....WTF....
then,it was my tank....so shit lar....im like screwing up my tank.....both my shrimps were dead when i came home...WTH lar......effing fed up man....
i cant think of a better reason than me,myself and me that is destroying every single thing in my life.......
ok all this reefin aside...
realised tt chan wasnt tt bad lar....he quite a gud teacher actually..onli his temper which is a serious matter when he really flares up...which is wad happened during bio todae......haiiis.....
i wasted so much so my tym travelling lar...
was suppose to meet hy at 3.30 bt ended up dere at 4 something..haiz.....so sorry.

to be continued.....


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