Thursday, July 30, 2009

utmost clockwork

dude,you gotta wake up your idea.comms are in 2 months time and your 2km timings are still the same,more/less.what happened?did you ingest something wrong accidentally?what are you thinking during the whole 2km?was your mind elsewhere?

went to school with a fucking great mood,landed home in a fucking bad mood.
double session of biochemistry was least i got more idea of what's going,that leaves me with 2 more hour was used up for late lunch.last hour was spent at the library for revision,but it didn't turn out well.that well i mean.after-lunch aka thermogenesis kicked in after some time.found myself lying face down on the table.gave up and shut my eyes for the last ten minutes.
the scariest shit was molecular biology.managed to scrap through the first few slides,and then again,found myself staring into blank spaces when the class was ending.
i've got this feeling that the class's average is gonna be pulled up this time round.everyone else is mugging,and its scares me makes me doubt if i have mugged enough,cause this is like my maximum threshold,although probably not that bad,there's still like 10% more to maximum,really 110% threshold.its like pushing at 120% for 10 seconds.its shit.its damn see everyone holding their notes in front of the lecturer,asking and clarifing and you know that you yourself,have doubts somewhere in between the pages and you havent discovered these doubts cause you havent read and you hope that after solo-reading,you could clear these doubts by yourself.

and i had a great evening.jon came over to my house to complete his literary,if he completed!
spoke about the usual stuff,thanks dude.major hit again.
and i'm finally going out tomorrow evening.i need some breather before the next 2 weeks sets in,before everything infront of me becomes PFK,aldolase,GC,stationary phase,reverse non-polar phase,normal polar phase,FID,TCD,Le Chatlier's Principle...etc
and i really hope i could do well this semester,at least to bring up my hopeless grades again and pull me through and lastly to gain a step closer to uni entry.for that i can only hope.
next week shall be simple life.after school,home,study,school,row,home,study,row,home,rest,study,home,row,study,rest.


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