Saturday, June 07, 2008

today was shet!
race was pushed forward due to rain.and we got so bored in the shed.

at least we won one of the race.the second boat was at least 1 1/2 boats away from us.
and its quite sad that cj lost.their K2 match wasnt that good.and its quite demoralising la,when you see that the ones infront of you are all so much infront.
but then,its their first race anyway,i guess they still have a long way to go.
and NJ capsized during one of the match,which is qutie sad la

and MJ people did warmups like crazy.they did land stroking as if they kenaed possessed.and they were doing jumping jacks just before the race.
its just so scary.
and i cant imagine myself being on the lanes in half a years time,i hope that i am able,if not that would probably mean that something bad must have happened to me.

and i am again saying this.
i seem to be spending so much time at Mac.its fast becoming like my second home.the lanes are like jogging track for us.and we practise there literally everyweek.
and the fellow year 2 retards are so damn funny.
and not suprisingly,i may even find my partner in Mac.

thinking about all these is so shitxzxzxzxzxzxzx


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