Thursday, May 15, 2008


training today was rather shack.very infact.maybe its cause of the fact that body havent recovered from tuesday's gym.
circuits are SCARY!LUNGES even MORE!
legs can become so wobbly and can become beancurd.
and we did long-d.which i am abit tired maybe due to all the sprints.
i cant do sprints!but long distances are okay.
but somehow,things are gonna go on tommorow.
and things are turning out rather good as we each try to encourage and push one another.its becoming more like CJ.if only the new people that come each week stops coming.i find them such a nuisance.they talk as if they have been through everything.and he look so least to me!
maybe its because of my competitive streak.i have realised that its fast becoming a problem.and someday some thing will happen.maybe i care too much.
i should just do my best and not care about whos gonna get in or not in the heck la.
as long as im committed and i go for all the trainings.

mentis opprimo materia

You’re calling
To me
I can’t hear
Just what you’ve said


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