Tuesday, May 13, 2008


land training ended on a very low note today.maybe for me.
those freaking bastards..they destroyed the whole camaraderie man!
if you feel that doing a few more sets can kill you.just stand up and leave...i believe the team dont need you people.
c'mon man,its just training.and i guess the seniors are just picking an excuse to give you pushups.not on intention to torture peeps.
and when it was debrief,that few people just splurted vulgarities infront of that one senior.SO disappointing!
when you feel that its unfair.just voice out,no need for vulgar la.why didnt vulgar when you were doing those pushups?

and i've learnt to ENJOY the training.c'mon,its not gonna kill
and i miss CJ's canoe so so so so so much,i cant wait for the team to get smaller!
i miss the zest of everyone,the enthusiasm towards canoe.the friendliness towards one another.and the ever so comical,mother havent die yet tagline from ole' timothy!!!!
so everytime i train at SP,i will push myself using CJ's memories.and strive for even more..i must persevere..even when i cant even keep balance in a K-1.

Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now


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