Saturday, January 19, 2008

sorry for being so black faced and so bloody emo these past few days in a terribly bad disposition to react to most circumstances.maybe im just too bothered by some things.haiz.

i just have too many things to speak to you about.and there is just like this little time for us to talk.i dunno when can we ever meet and talk like that day again.i really dunno.hmm,i guess you would be staying on since you went through.and maybe my time in CJ is up.
i have since screwed up so many things that shldnt meant to have happened and made things so damn awkward for you.i seriously apologise.
after all that is done.its all up to you.i'd know that youre a darn good least for now.=D
and after this friday,things are gonna take a huge turn....i know cj is not a place for least not 2 years of canoe+bio+china studies+maths.i dont think i can study,after such a long mind's just not there...i cant do a 2 years course for nuts.i cant take the stress of A lvls again.

whatever happens.i will least for now.
you said april.i understood what you meant and the stress that youre going through right now.i said i would..i know youre gonna see this.and wonder why would someone be so foolish..maybe youre right....and i was indeed foolish.

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you


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