Tuesday, January 08, 2008

its been a tiring day.woke up damn early today and i was surprised that i was taking like the first bus to school.if ony it was tmr and i do hope that i wont be late tmr.cause its been wad i've been waiting for for the past few days.for the class orientation activities at least.
second day and i have been opening up to the guailaness of my classmates..all of them are like so damn weird.and i still miss ig17 the most..my class is..well,maybe takes time to get used to....
shldnt have chose csc.and i end up grouping with all the lit students..
and hc guy was right about everyone speaking in english.and he's one good chap la.where else can you find someone like him.organising efforts all go to him man..its only been few days and he's enthu to come up with an outing.maybe its a channel for him to forget all his troubles.

your guardian angel is a nice song.wynn was right.i was gonna be in love with this song some day or another.


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