Thursday, January 04, 2007

its just 2 days into sec 4 life and everything seems to be so stressful,seats have been changed,things looked more lifeless and all around me ppl are slogging for their points.

im in a surrounding where ppl are so concerned over their l1r5s....arhhhhh..
even the outlook of stuff have seem to change..
its been a different surrounding all in all.
even the NPs have given up hope,all we wan now is just hope to be able to concentrate on our Os...and it seems like so many of us cant wait to be just seem so fast at the pace thigns are gg..

even the Nps are loosing down...wad bout my morale..

i may be a loser.
i may talk lots of craps and talk much stuff that i cant do.
i may be a pushover.

but so wad?they think im a loser,let them be...some ppl just dun get their responsibilities right.
i have done my part,and now its time for you to do yours,if you fucking arent able to do up stuff,its ur fault to face the music...i have tried my best and pls,gimme a breathing space,im not superman.

some things in life just dun work out,no matter how you try...
its so darn tough to chnage a culture.

its just awhile b4 everything gets back to normal again..
ppl think admin SUCKS,i know it does.I want to be ORDed,i cant stand to be in this awkward position and be pushed like how you did in sec 3...


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