Wednesday, November 01, 2006

went skl to finish up some adminstrative stuff...
acommpanied jason and company to ICA to get their passports renewed for the ophir trip...
sigh....guess wad....saw thru each other's passports and found that jason had gone to mauritius b4...its like so unbelievable...(abit biased here)

den went for lunch at crawford,den again tried their western food....

this time's the chicken schnitzel,cool name...large chk fillet fried wif herbs and
didnt know there was a shortcut there from ICA...ahhhh...stupid me...
guess that alot ppl know much,much much more stuff than me....
den jason and sherman got the same bag as me...welll from exactly the same shop too...hahas....
wynn said he wanted to change his,cause he feels that its too felt kena conned when sherm and jason paid like 42 bucs...ahhh when i paid like 44....shit shit shit...

cant judge ppl by its cover..i suppose many ppl are guilty of this...
humans are very superficial creatures.Only when we spend time with them and get to know them will we discover their inner ":carapace"......
haiz.....i'm a superficial guy too......much more than ppl suppose......

PS:sorry guys for the daoing during the walk from tanjong pagar to Raffles place...and well,sorry for the long walk..hahas...
and all along when i was wearing the earphones...the player was not on at all...hahahss


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