Wednesday, October 18, 2006

times running out

after exams also must stress,how do you expect to go ophir wif 2 ppl!!!wah......
think can pull up unit liddat...wah i think its against fate la.....maybe its just dammed....
wif not a soul willing to help u gonna do everything by urselff....

i am like letting so many ppl down if i dun do..
i have spoken so much,let ppl think how much i gonna do,but not a shit comes out...haiz...feel just like a pathetic painter myself....

why cant i just be like every other teenager,
hangout wif frens
meddle wif bgr...
dye my hair
do wad i wanna do...

all my attempts to blog about how my day went..
wacthing princess hours..slping...haiz...
how my amaths i waited for someone to make ic...


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