Sunday, November 12, 2006

lots of ppl have blogged bout their ophir experience..maybe shld also leave a mark here.....

ok here we go....

Day 0
stayed in at HQ.... reported at 1930hrs...well,this was kinda too early.. ppl were reporting all the way till 9 plus at nite... the clt that took us for the ophir training was there too...cute guy...haha:) taught us how to collect water...and it actually was the beginiing for the worst,got left out as all the ntss ppl slept all at one usual,i was the last as i didnt chiong for the bunks...haiz... not that bad as i took the bed near the door,just that it was full as bedbugs,got itchy after lying... the night was bad...cldnt sleep well,was tossing ard...and wads worst was that some idiot slpt on top of me,this i figured out only when the journey to ophir continues...stupid guy,kept talking to ppl and kept swearing.... some acs guy slept at my guy and spoke to him all the way to ophir...

had breakfast...kway tiao wif fishcakes...gosh...wasnt feeling real good.....all the way to the coach...puked when we were reaching causeway...good thig.felt so much better after... transfereed when we went thru the malaysian customs...this time,a better coach...more spacious...sher taught me tai ti...and sorta took it up during this ophir trip...haha.... reached usual a simple malaysian town...had the rustic feeling..... and when we saw the mountain ranges...sher was terrified.........i told him that we had come all the way to MY and shld try our best to conquer..and yes he did...... the officer at gunung ledang resorts was a friendly uncle...haha....he kinda wanted everything to be done chop chop...and concurrently....was an intresting chap...spoke of jokes during the briefing... the resort stay was sooooo comfy until the next morning....haha....ate up the curry during the first nite... was kinda surprised to see the clt who took me for spec course and took me again for this ophir trip...


prayed b4 we climbed....
sher was still afraid of the mountains... was real cool...crossing waterfalls and rivers...leaping here and there... was foloing wynn until i almost lost sight of him...was like calling him to slow down...and he continued...ahhhh well....... eventuallty reached up our tents....taught the ppl how as i learnt in obs... hahs.... bathed in the river and was surprised to see fish..maybe kelah?or come kinda carp...... soaking cold waterr,refreshing.... fist taste of river water....chlorinated that is..... rested at nite...had a bonfire and the clts spoke of tales.... was kinda freaked out......everyone literally....nobody in my tent dare to ventured out at nite to pee...we even prepared a bottle...lolx...... kinabalu next!when i have the time and money and frens and permission....hahax...
the climb up the summit was an ardous journey...KFC...literally killed us.....was the worst of all the checkpoints....those monster roots had our hearts beating....sher was left behind me...cldnt catch up as he was tired.... was leaping and jumping up the roots and slipping on the soil.... the kambing cave was cool....and the climb down took much more time....haiz..... well took the shorter route for the steep slopes....had the first taste of ropes course wifout the gloves....way cooollllllll... the toughest part was from botak to the summit... the "marsh"as i dubbed it almost dampened our spirits.... the back ppl...andy,darren,sheng poh,me and sher and a few other guys took this alter the summit..haiz... the view at the summit was well worth every drip of sweat... the descend almost wiped us clean...especially down KFC......the legend of the roots..... sher was damn tired and he may have slowed us down but we waited for him..and we almost got lost in KFC...only sher,me sp,andy,darren and glad that we found ken the camera guy... so freakin terrfied...and kept consoling sher and told him to quik up... reached CP5 at ard 4...way off time...everyone was frakin tired and the rangers told us to run back to campsite.. emotionally tired,mentally exhausted and physically ruined,i ran myself back to campsite...was literally foloing wynn's footsteps..lost a few steps and slipped but got back fast on my steps.. begin drizziling when we reached back camp...Thank God... went back into our tents and the drizzle became heavier... our tent flooded...and clt syamil came to our tents and offered us trash bags...... wahh the other parts when free


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