Friday, November 17, 2006

had a fun time during ys barbecue ytd..
tonnes of food and many cldnt finish it...
as usual,ppl were contributing to different roles.....
maybe you could say that im petty or even complaining so much....

some of us were quite pissed wif the ppl's attitude...though no one wanted to step out and rant...disaster will fall denn...
not having experienced this kind of scenario,i was advised not to rant...better to keep it to ourselves......
kinda dissapointed though seeing ppl acting like this.....if cca was the equivalent of our lives and ppl are showing the same aatitude as that of their lives...imagine tt...its so sadddening...but anyway its a bbq and we shld enjoy ourselves.....
too bad np head was not there...too down wif meetings....

joan came late and we enjoyed cooking the food together wif cedric...
and gosh cedric do know how to eat prawns.....LOL....
came home wif a full stomach....maybe too bloated wif water....have always anticipated such events and now that both bbqs have gone by...maybe its time to start cracking again......haiz.....


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