Sunday, September 24, 2006

another continuation of OBS..
well second nite,spoke bout the land ex on da third day at the jetty,way cool,saw a heron perching at the plank in the still nite...wahh...den when we approached it flew away...
den played this a bing a bong thingy,tested out reflexes and spoke bout land ex and some stories bout clay...
did the pacing,mine was 74 steps in 100m,but the real magic is during the land ex...

Day 3

well,woke up upitched the tents in barely enuff light,went for breakfast in the campus,super good,there was fried beehoon and hotdog.....den did planning for the land ex,clay pointed out the checkpoints and we went preparing our haversacks and off we went..
first navigator was yijun and ani.first destination,aviation beacon....
we were told to reflect on our past life and wad we were to do after this camp,and i did,or i suppose,den had a walk round the beacon,clay said,life is never smooth-sailing,even the tracks ard the beacon have uneven edges,so if we were to face challenges,just walk ovr them....
well,the sky at the beacon was clear and slient wif afew of those daily flying stimulations

second navigator was me and seven,thought he did most of it...hahas...okay will cont nxt time.....


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