Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i realised that i speak unnecessary talk.guessed that its all because of this that i landed in this pathetic plight.must brace up nonetheless.c'mon,its just a job..its not as if i will die tmr without this.i took too many things just too seriously.
maybe i should learn to talk at the right things at the right times to the right person,so that i won't get caught again in a turmoil.

hmm,ytd was 54th clt pop.and i went,not suprisingly.its kinda regretting when i was reminded that i was supposed to be in that contingent.maybe its because of that i got to keep my hair.and i've exchanged it with tons of stuff.
they seem to had lots of fun..and maybe its because that in the next 1 year to come,they may have problems arising from school units,not to speak bad of any particular unit though.
well,life's like that.


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