Tuesday, November 20, 2007

well,pretty good day indeed.
the interview was indeed shittish,worst than the first one.i suppose the boss was portraying a bossy look,if not why he acted so seriously and daoly.
colin is so much better but anyway,this time is serious business.

i guess i exposed my weakness to the boss.which isnt very good btw,cause i feel that i lack self-confidence and a easy pushover..maybe he would rather choose someone who is not as articulated and not as self-disciplined over someone who cant bear the force of his weight..

and bbq was as expected,its inevitabley bound to have tweets that dont do things and slack and just eat stuff that you cook,so chill ppl.
having been a tweet once,i decided to help others and hey its so much better than staying there and just slacking ard,anyway,there is nothing much i can grumble about anyway.

sometimes,you just have to receive wad life throws at you=D


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