Monday, August 14, 2006

hmm....test test test.....
when problems arise,ppl always thinks that complaining will solve any of,it'll only get worse in ur mind....the fact is,if you forever think negatively,chances are,you wun feel happy...
so why not learn to turn the problem ard and accept it,think of it as another task....

life's always full of problems,problems that you cant matter how much you strive to complete them,new problems will i guess have to learn to accept instead of complainin this and that....

shu tian told me that durin his NC,met this ex-newtowner,present commando....he told me that this guy was also frm ntss ncc,and he pushed the uniot up to a silver by usual,rants about the co too....nothin good about him is heard frm ppl anyway....but the ability to help the unit is.......well......

learn and learn


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