Wednesday, May 10, 2006

ok decided to blog another tym tdae...ppl gave me so many words...i v guilty if i dun say xie xie

a BIG THANK YOU to all the people who have told me to work hard,relax,take it easy,good luck....
realli xin wei to have frens like u all around me...

thank you michelle,thanks for all tags u made on my blog and the jia you u told me....will treat u better next tym...

thanks evina...for the encouragement and ur dao li....

not to forget mitch,who these days acommpany me to tiong to makan and walk......

and still got mr chan who gave me numerous tips on his tests and all the other tests...
...still got who ar....

oh ya syawan...every morning oso ask him question.... confidante..everyday oso call her and disturb...kekeke...
poon and eug...
my best mates....

omg this entry's damn long....


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